Manage Your Doctor by Genita Petralli

Except for the less than 1% of the mental health challenged population that is born with an organic cause for mental illness, all other conditions have a physical underlying cause which is typically found in the neuroendocrine system.  The neuroendocrine system is your survival mechanism. It is the collective endocrine gland and nervous system function that adapts to your surroundings so that you may enjoy a symptom free life.  Essentially, the nervous system “read” the external and internal environment and sends messages to your endocrine glands to produce the neurotransmitters and hormones required to keep the body and mind in “homeostasis” or “balance” in any given circumstance or environment.  Today, people’s neuroendocrine systems are burning out early in life because we are malnourished and at the same time over stimulated by both lifestyle and diet.  Lifestyles are too busy – too stressful. In fact, the U.S. clocks 20% more work hours than the second most worked population!  Diets are full of neurotoxic and endocrine disrupting chemical toxicants such as MSG, Aspartame and pesticides and sugar, coffee and other stimulants that disrupt blood sugar regulation (brain function) are now considered the gateway drugs because they cause adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia – creating symptoms people will reach to anything from the street to the doctor’s office to relieve, making them a legal or illegal drug addict.

If you were to go to an oncologist because you thought you may have cancer, would you begin taking the very toxic chemotherapies without proof that you had cancer? And wouldn’t your doctor provide that proof before ever prescribing such dangerous and life compromising therapies?  Of course!  No one, because they had a pain in their side would take chemotherapy simply because a doctor said he thought you had cancer, and any doctor would never give you chemotherapy for a pain in your side without proving first you had cancer.  So how is it psychiatrists get away with prescribing very toxic drugs that are proven to dramatically reduce your quality of life and shorten that life by up to 25 years when started before the age of 30?  It simply doesn’t make sense.

The good news is, that because there is a physical underlying cause to over 99% of mental health issues, you can go to a real doctor and have tests run that we run at The BioSanctuary and Shangri La BioSpa to determine the cause of your mental health symptoms and have it covered by your insurance – remember, the brain is the reporting system - it is the messenger – not the problem, so don’t behead the messenger!

And the even better news is, that if you know how to manage  your doctor you can get your care covered by insurance.

Here’s how: So let’s say you are experiencing anxiety and mood swings. It’s been getting worse and worse over the last year and is really disrupting your quality of life and relationships.  You’re over sensitive, over reactive and are feeling more and more uncomfortable in your own skin.  Well, instead of going to a psychiatrist that is going to give you a toxic pill for what is typically a group of symptoms caused by a toxic system and environment, go to your medical doctor and begin exploring your adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, sex organs (ovaries and testis), liver, digestive and pancreatic function.  I say digestive and pancreatic because most people today have very poor digestive fortitude and that combined with the poor diets they practice many times delivers them to a condition called – malnutrition psychosis which can cause anything from depression to extreme paranoia. In fact, psychosis is more and more being studied under the glass of GUT issues and those issues are being proven in many cases to be the underlying cause!

While you are getting your neuroendocrine, digestive and liver functional tests done,  you will also want to get a toxic metals and nutritional evaluation.  There is an excellent test by Genova labs called a “NutriEval”.  You can see an example of those parameters tested here: Methylation, Krebs (energy cycle), Oxidative Stress, Vitamin / Mineral / EFA along with toxic metals and organic acids are all included. This is an excellent starting point as it will demonstrate not only nutritional deficiencies but how those deficiencies are disrupting key biochemical processes you require for good mental and phsyical health.

Once your neuroendocrine issues are exposed (and there will be issues) and your other tests results are evaluated, ask your doctor if he/she would be interested in exploring alternative therapies for the conditions brought to the surface by the tests.  In the case of the example I presented – anxiety with mood issues, it would be highly likely that this person is suffering adrenal fatigue with blood sugar regulation (possibly even full out hypoglycemia).  In this case, the person would want to go on a full clinical detoxification regiment – no sugar, caffeine, meats and dairy for a couple of months while practicing a diet of whole foods (steamed and raw), protein shakes and a Targeted Nutritional Therapy based on your test results. This person would also want to engage exercise, sun, 8 hours of sleep a night and possibly remodel their lifestyle to reflect input and output of energy to be balanced. Recreation and friend / family time is very rewarding and fuels the person for their responsibilities by reminding them why their in the game in the first place!

The good news is that you can find a doctor today that will run the tests we run at the BioSanctuary and Shangri La BioSap for you and this can all be covered by insurance.  You will want to engage your doctor to start taking a look at the link between body burden (bioaccumulation of toxic chemicals known to cause mental and physical illness), adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, hypo/hyperthyroidism etc… and mental health.  There are many integrative physicians today that are already there, waiting for you to knock on their door and will honor the connection between diet and environment and mental health. Others, you will have to create that relationship and educate them as you go but many are willing!  When Big Pharma handed psychiatrists “choose your mood” drugs they stole the depression / anxiety / panic attack population from real doctors that would look for underlying causes and real doctors are more and more showing up at my lectures to learn the connection between hot tempers and adrenal fatigue so that they may bring that population back into their offices for help, saving their patients from the horrors and risks of psych drugs.

Working with your doctor has many advantages; you can get proof of the underlying cause of your condition and your insurance can cover it!  Then, if your doctor is really progressive you will get the non toxic, Green, holistic therapies to address the underlying causes of your mental health issues.

Of course, the getting well part is entirely up to you. While your doctor can identify the underlying cause of your condition, you will have to take the responsibility of changing that in your diet and lifestyle that brought you to the condition.  You will have to embark upon a clinical detoxification, begin exercising, practice stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga / tai chi, balance your life and be sure to be getting optimum nutrition for your healing event while avoiding all voluntary toxins in your food, personal hygiene and environment – including toxic people!

If you have a decent insurance plan, everything except your nutritional supplements (you should go to a naturopath with your test results to get a targeted nutritional therapy based on those results) gym membership and colon hydrotherapy should be covered. Acupuncture which is very helpful for stress and anxiety and chiropractic which is not only excellent for structural correction but also for improving blood flow through all the organs including the brain should be covered.

This is the way back to mental and physical well being and you can get 90% of it covered by insurance!  This will bring you back into the capacity you were born with to enjoy your one very beautiful and precious life!  Remember, it is a very dangerous delusion to believe that there is a magic pill and that your psychiatrist has it. There is no such thing – no pill will ever correct the damage that is causing your symptoms, they only create more damage – not only to your existing condition but throughout your body with particular affinity to your brain and liver. Please enlist the integrative care of a real allopathic doctor that has a respect for the healing process that can get your tests run and then take them to a naturopath that is skilled in the area you are suffering and get your Green Health protocol that will respond to the test results. 

Genita Petralli H.H.P., N.C., M.H.
Medical Director, The BioSanctuary, Shangri-La BioSpa & The 101 Program